RITA president honored with National Trucking Leadership Award
PAWTUCKET, R.I. (Sept. 9, 2020) – Chris Maxwell, the President and CEO of the Rhode Island Trucking Association, yesterday received the American Trucking Associations’ President’s Trucking Association Executives Council Leadership Award during the ATA’s 86th Management Conference and Exhibition in San Diego, CA.
Maxwell joined the Rhode Island Trucking Association in 2011 after more than two decades of service in the trucking industry. In his time as RITA’s CEO, he was been a staunch advocate for the industry, highlighted by his efforts to turn back Rhode Island’s truck-only toll scheme.
“It is an honor to recognize someone who, in a relatively short time, has become an incredibly active state executive and leading voice on one of our industry’s most pressing issues: tolling,” said ATA President and CEO Chris Spear. “Chris is relentless and has put his heart and soul into fighting tolling. He has worked hand in glove with ATA and our Litigation Center, bringing together many stakeholders in his state to join the battle, and energizing and deploying his membership to do the same.”
The Trucking Association Executives Council is comprised of staff executives of state trucking associations and conferences affiliated with the American Trucking Associations. The prestigious TAEC Leadership Award is given each year to the executive of one state trucking association.
Maxwell has been a vocal opponent of Rhode Island’s trucks-only tolling program, which has been in effect since June 2018 and is currently under litigation.
“This is a federation award,” Maxwell said. “I accept this on behalf of my 49 brothers and sisters. When they screw with one of us, they screw with all of us. I am so privileged to be part of this great federation.”
Spear said that, under Maxwell’s tenure, RITA has increased membership numbers and developed into a major political player. Maxwell also is an active media presence on trucking issues.
“Chris’ tireless work is an example for all state executives in our Federation,” said incoming ATA Chairman Randy Guillot, President of Triple G Express Inc. “His efforts have drawn notice not just within trucking, but among leaders in Rhode Island who now know just how formidable our industry is. His energy is an inspiration to all us in the ATA Federation.”
The President’s TAEC Leadership Award was created in 2002 by the ATA to recognize a state trucking association leader and to create an enduring legacy for that leader and for the industry. The award comes with a $10,000 grant for a nonprofit 501(c)(3) trucking education or research organization to be chosen by Maxwell.
About RITA
The Rhode Island Trucking Association, Inc. (RITA) is a chartered, nonprofit organization whose membership is made up of truck owners, fleet owners, private and for hire motor carriers, and allied industries. Since 1931, RITA has represented and promoted all motor carrier interests on the state level. RITA, the only statewide trucking association, has been a member of the American Trucking Associations since 1944.
For more information, please visit https://ritrucking.org.